Friday, June 18, 2010

Better Day

Well I am having a better day today. I got a job. It is working in a call center at 9.00 an hour. At this point I am just happy to have a job. Plus in the future I will have more marketable skills. I am not going to write much tonight, I am tired and want to go to bed early. I will be working nights again. 3 to 11:30. This way I can be at home during the day, off on Sunday and Monday. I won’t get to see the boys much when school starts but hopefully by then I can choose my hours a little bit. But either way I will be able to take care of things during the day and work at night.

I am still at 194. Went to the exercise room today in the community building. My legs are a bit sore at the moment but at least I am going in and exercising.

Night night.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stressed and Depressed

Thumb65948 I have been looking for a job for almost a month now. No such luck. Bills are coming due and I don’t have enough to pay for both households. Chrissy can’t find a job either. So needless to say I am depressed. I just don’t know what I am going to do. I can’ be late on my rent here at the apartment especially since we just moved in last week. I have had 2 job interviews. One I am pretty sure I won’t get and the other was nothing but a scam. I have put my application in at Wal-Mart, working on Target and trying to avoid scams when it comes to Temp Services. At this point, I would just like for something to be offered to me. I am so paranoid from scams that I now do research of every company that I submit my application to.

I miss my cats too. I cried half way to Atlanta because I had to leave them at home in Georgia. I still cry sometimes cause I miss them. Hell I have been crying from stress and depression too. Joe is worried about me and being a bit smothering. I will be glad when he goes back to work.

Weight loss I have been doing fairly good with. I am at 194 now so that is 20 lbs. There are times that I wish I could eat like normal. I have gotten it figured out though. I have 3 oz cups that we got when I first had my surgery so that I could monitor how much I drank. Well now that is not an issue. I drink fluids but I don’t get hungry. By the end of the day though for some reason I am “hungry” I guess that is cause I used to eat dinner in the evenings. Also if I eat I try to use my 3 oz cup. I don’t over eat that way. It is painful when I over eat. When we first moved in I drank some orange juice and it made me sick. Good grief that was painful!!! My stomach/chest really hurt. I have to catch myself sometimes because something tastes really good. The food commercials are a pain in the ass though. I see all of this good food and sometimes wish that I could eat like I used to again. I know better cause that would mean that I would lose that ground that I have already gained.

I just got an email from one of the Temp Agencies in Anderson. I am going in in the morning to fill out the application and do the testing. I just hope that this is legit. It is for working in a call center. Not something that is not high high on my list of things to do but you know what, it is a job. I wanted to work at T-Mobile but they would not hire me. Well who knows maybe I will get my foot in the door this time and get hired. I am willing to learn and I am a quick learner. I have practicing my typing while writing this blog so that I am not so rusty. Working at AHP my skills got a little rusty since I was not doing a massive amount of typing. More answering the phone and dealing with things verbal. I am getting a bit faster every time, thankfully I learned the keys a long time ago.

Hopefully my luck will turn around and I get a job. I just pray to the Goddess and Gaia that I do.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Day

I have to be careful how much I eat. I am still learning how to eat slower. I am so used to eating quickly especially if I am at home or out running errands. While I was working I would eat at my desk and since I would work through my lunch I would not eat my lunch so quickly. I just hope I can find a job fairly quickly. While I know I don’t have anyone to follow my blog, it is at least a place I can vent/talk about my frustrations. I just hope that I will be able to keep with the correct diet. Right now with this move our schedule is messed up. I will be glad when we are moved and reset up. I want to get back to a “normal” for us schedule. I have been cross stitching again. I want to try to get back to doing my crafts, quilting and sewing instead of being on the computer non stop. Thankfully I have gotten better about it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Follow up day


Went to the clinic for my follow up yesterday. I am down to 201.4 lbs. YES!!!!! I have not been able to get that close to 200 in the whole time that I have been trying to lose the weight. He told me I could eat soft foods like mashed potatoes for a couple of days and then go to my regular diet. I have healed very well and the bruising is almost gone now. My legs are thinner and so are my thighs. I am wondering if I can wear my heels now without them hurting my feet??? hum may have to see. Also my wrists are slimming down. I have not been able to exercise like I really should. With this move, I have kind of put it off. Once we get moved there is a fitness room at our new apartment complex as well as a pool. My bathing suit is fitting better now too. Hey I can sit Indian style again.!!! I just noticed this. I feel really good about making the decision to have this surgery. While I know each day is going to be a challenge and there are going to be good days and bad days. I am willing to stick with it. I am not able to eat as much and I know it if I eat just a little to much. Joe and I have a deal worked out. He will let me order what I want to eat and then let me eat and what is left he will finish. It saves money if we go out.

It is going to only be Joe, the boys and me, so I can reduce the amounts that I cook. Joe found me something that I am more than willing to pay for. is where you buy a share of a farm and get fresh produce once a week. It is not cheap but if you pay for it in the store you would pay more. Beside you know that it is fresh and not cold storage.

I am making Joe do push ups and jumping jacks right now. He told me that he wants me to drop him and make him exercise to I am. :)